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Modular Charter School Campus


Project Partners: Millennium Community School

Building Use: Educational Facility

Time: Less than 8 months

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Mobile Modular Created a New School Campus for a Charter School Under a Strict Timeline and Budget


Established in 1999, Millennium Community School, a charter school located in Columbus, Ohio, serves students in grades K-8. Millennium’s basic educational philosophy states that every child can learn if taught appropriately. To properly execute this philosophy, the school required an adequate facility. Millennium’s previous facilities were located in a complex of leased and aging buildings. When the end of the lease approached, Millennium had the option to purchase, but the location was not large enough for the school to expand. To establish a new campus, time and budget were the top priority for the Millennium School Board.

The Process

Our team, along with Stevens Architects designed a 58,000-square-foot building solution, based on our standard specifications, which offered benefits to the schedule and project cost. The property chosen was located with a well-established and highly respected church. The development and construction took less than 8 months to complete after zoning approval and construction permits were issued. Mobile Modular oversaw all aspects of construction from conception to completion.

The Solution

We worked with Whitley Manufacturing and Mark Line Industries to construct the building, which consists of 37 classrooms, offices, conference rooms, work rooms, a warming kitchen, a cafeteria, and a multi-purpose room. Each classroom is controlled by an energy-efficient HVAC system with a CO2 sensor to maintain indoor air quality. The exterior is finished in a cost-effective combination of split-face masonry and horizontal cement board lap siding. The new facility allows Millennium to fulfill its goal of building a community educational environment dedicated to high academic standards where young students can succeed.

Why Call Mobile Modular

By utilizing modular construction and leveraging the experience of the Mobile Modular project team, our client was able to maintain their leadership position and continue their mission to be a global frontrunner in their industry.

If you have any questions about modular building specifications, installation, turnaround time, size specifications, damage cover, insurance, contractual obligations, or adherence to building codes, browse through our comprehensive FAQs section or call us at 866-473-2495.

Our expertise, attention to detail, and end-to-end service is the reason why we continually rank high in customer satisfaction. We understand deadlines and work closely with you to deliver the unit you want on time and budget. Get your project started with Mobile Modular today!



Customer Name: Millennium Community School

Project Location

Project Location: Columbus, OH

Building Type

Building Type(s): Education

Total Area

Total Sq. Ft: 58,000 sq. ft.

New or Used

New or Used Building: New

Job Type

Job Type: Sale

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

      Modular Charter School Campus

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