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Modular Solutions Readily Available During Disaster Relief & Recovery

Mobile Modular Assists in Providing Immediate Housing For the Homeless


Project Location: San Mateo, CA.

Building Use: Temporary Homeless Housing, Showers & Restrooms

Total Square Feet: 3,840 sq.ft.

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COVID-19: Responding To a Community in Need


During any type of crisis, it’s society’s most vulnerable who are put at greatest risk. The current shelter-in-place mandate has been a huge adjustment for all, but for those without a home, it’s an impossibility. So, when Angelina Arevalo from Iron Construction reached out to Mobile Modular requesting portable units to house the homeless in the San Jose area, we immediately jumped into action.

The Timeline

The Mobile Modular team went to work right away after the initial call on March 17, sending over a selection of portable unit sizes that were available for immediate delivery. Two days later, Iron Construction confirmed the sizes and quantities needed, and after a site visit on March 20, we prepped the buildings for shipping.


While reviewing the site with County of San Mateo rep Tory Newman, two problems became evident: the site itself was not level nor was it accessible via normal truck delivery. We determined that a forklift would be necessary for delivery and promptly notified the customer of the additional charges, and had a change order approved the same day. Additionally, the site review for this project was also crucial because we were able to determine the exact size of custom piers that would be needed.

The Solution

Once the units were fully prepped, we successfully delivered:

  • Two 24’ x 40’ offices
  • One 12’ x 40’ office
  • Two 12’ x 60’ restroom/shower units

In only a matter of days from start to finish we gave the customer exactly what they needed, solved site-specific issues, and coordinated the installation of ramps -- all done by March 24. Because we were able to react so quickly and had inventory ready to go, we could not only fill an imperative need, but also offer our customer a variety of options to choose from.

We’re Here for You and the Community

Whether you have urgent needs related to the current crisis, or simply want to learn more about which Mobile Modular solution is right for your needs, we’re here to help. To get started, check out the following Mobile Modular tools and resources:

Still have questions or want to request your quote? Contact us to speak with one of our experts today.

Why Call Mobile Modular

By utilizing modular construction and leveraging the experience of the Mobile Modular project team, our client was able to maintain their leadership position and continue their mission to be a global frontrunner in their industry.

If you have any questions about modular building specifications, installation, turnaround time, size specifications, damage cover, insurance, contractual obligations, or adherence to building codes, browse through our comprehensive FAQs section or call us at 866-473-2495.

Our expertise, attention to detail, and end-to-end service is the reason why we continually rank high in customer satisfaction. We understand deadlines and work closely with you to deliver the unit you want on time and budget. Get your project started with Mobile Modular today!

COVID-19: Responding To a Community in Need


Customer Name: County of San Mateo, CA, Iron Construction, and LifeMove

Project Location

Project Location: San Mateo, CA.

Building Type

Building Type(s): Dorms & Workforce Housing, Government, Specialty, Offices

Total Area

Total Sq. Ft: 3,840 sq. ft.

(2) 24’ x 40’ offices

(1) 12’ x 40’ office

(2) 12’ x 60’ restroom/shower units


Permanent or Temporary: Temporary

Mobile Modular Assists in Providing Immediate Housing For the Homeless 1
Mobile Modular Assists in Providing Immediate Housing For the Homeless 2
Mobile Modular Assists in Providing Immediate Housing For the Homeless 3
Mobile Modular Assists in Providing Immediate Housing For the Homeless 4

*Click on the image to see the full-size view!

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