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Modular Solutions Readily Available During Disaster Relief & Recovery

Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue


Project Location: San Angelo, TX

Building Use: Office & Gift Store

Total Square Feet: 1,728

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Mobile Modular Builds New Spacious Office for Rescue Group in Texas


The world’s leading donkey rescue organization, Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, was seeing increasing growth at their San Angelo, TX location. The owners of Peaceful Valley were in the market for a cost-effective and time-sensitive modular solution to help sustain their growing size.

The Challenge

Mobile Modular, as a local dealer, was approached and awarded the contract because of our ability to meet the client’s needs and requirements. Mobile Modular’s cost-effective quote of 3 double-wide units offered a floorplan of four offices, a conference room, and a gift shop area for visitors.

The Process

Mobile Modular teamed up with Indicom Buildings to convert the preliminary drawings provided by PVDR into a modular floorplan and begin manufacturing the custom layout. PVDR was able to select options such as colors for the interior and exterior of the building to give it a personal touch and match the surrounding area aesthetically. Custom features included High Rib Steel Exteriors with Steel Skirting, Rubber Roofs, Vinyl Covered Gypsum Walls, Central HVAC systems, Tile Floor, Seaspray Ceilings with Fluorescent Lights, Steel Doors and steel Jambs, Concealed Roof Drains (in lieu of gutters) and Maintenance-Free Steps, Decks & Ramps (provided on each building). This project was finished 120 days from initial contact to the final closeout. The building gave the Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue team a place to conduct work and showcase gifts and souvenirs.

Why Call Mobile Modular

By utilizing modular construction and leveraging the experience of the Mobile Modular project team, our client was able to maintain their leadership position and continue their mission to be a global frontrunner in their industry.

If you have any questions about modular building specifications, installation, turnaround time, size specifications, damage cover, insurance, contractual obligations, or adherence to building codes, browse through our comprehensive FAQs section or call us at 866-473-2495.

Our expertise, attention to detail, and end-to-end service is the reason why we continually rank high in customer satisfaction. We understand deadlines and work closely with you to deliver the unit you want on time and budget. Get your project started with Mobile Modular today!



Customer Name: Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue

Project Location

Project Location: San Angelo, Texas

Building Type

Building Type(s): Office & Gift Store

Total Area

Total Sq. Ft: 1,728

New or Used

New or Used Building: New


Permanent or Temporary: Permanent

Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 1
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 2
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 3
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 4
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 5
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue 6

*Click on the image to see the full-size view!

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