
Mobile Modular has an array of different modular building floor plans to accommodate a wide range of industries, from healthcare to construction and everything in between.


    Mobile Modular has an array of different modular building floor plans to accommodate a wide range of industries, from healthcare to construction and everything in between.

    August 31, 2021

    Top add-ons easily improve your indoor air quality 

    Next-Level HVAC

    If you care about indoor air quality you probably already have a well-maintained HVAC unit that dutifully hums along, heating, cooling, and filtering air in your building or home.

    June 4, 2021

    Modular construction is the perfect solution to meet the creative demands of your most unique projects. Schools, restaurants, and housing for the less fortunate are only a few of the many takes on what can be done with modular.

    June 4, 2021

    The design and construction of modular buildings isn’t a new process — it’s been around for more than a century, starting with the earliest prefabricated homes. It is, however, picking up steam.

    May 3, 2021

    Around the world, carbon emissions are exceeding the maximum levels scientists say we need to stay under in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

    March 25, 2021

    The modular construction industry was valued at nearly $68 billion in 2019. Experts predict that growth to climb enormously, reaching over $106 billion by 2027.

    March 17, 2021

    Mobile Modular (the nation’s fastest growing provider of temporary and permanent modular buildings), was honored with six awards including “1st Place Modular Dorm” at the Modular Building Institute’s 2021 World of Modular Digital Conference and Tradeshow, an open forum for anyone interested in the modular cons

    January 15, 2021

    You might have seen the recent New York Times piece that addressed the many ways modular construction has stepped up to the plate to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

    November 21, 2020

    As the global construction industry continues extreme growth to meet increasing demand for both temporary and permanent building development, there has been a continued spike in interest around modular construction.

    November 6, 2020

    You’re contemplating your next significant commercial construction project for your enterprise. Lately, you've been hearing a lot about modular construction, but you're uncertain about its advantages and if it aligns with your vision.

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