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Modular Solutions Readily Available During Disaster Relief & Recovery

CampusMaker ModPod® Portable Restroom Buildings

CampusMaker ModPod® Portable Restroom Buildings

Campus Maker ModPod® buildings are independent units that can be joined and configured to form multi-classroom school complexes with improved land utilization. The Campus Maker ModPod®, has been engineered for energy efficiency, durability and environmental sustainable. As a long term solution to ever changing student populations, volatile energy costs and shifting educational needs, the Campus Maker ModPod®, represents today’s best choice for reducing initial and operating expenses along with optimizing your available space. If you are looking to rent or buy Campus Maker ModPod® portable classrooms, contact us or request a quote today.

Available Restrooms in Louisiana

Floorplan Model# Description Restrooms QUOTE
ModPod Restroom,14x65 MS


ModPod Restroom,14x65 MS

Restroom Spacer Restroom Yes/No Select
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